Research Areas
Concentration Area: Ecology and Natural Resources
Line 1: Terrestrial Ecology
Encompasses studies on the levels of organisms, populations, communities and landscapes in terrestrial ecosystems. Thee studies aim to understand ecological patterns, its driving processes and their relevance for biodiversity maintenance. This line includes research on natural history; population distribution patterns; and structure, dynamics and functioning of populations and communities in semi-arid ecosystems, both natural or under different levels of human influence.
Associated research projects
• Ecology of organisms, populations and communities in terrestrial ecosystems
• Ecology and natural history of terrestrial and semi-terrestrial vertebrates
• Evolutionary ecology of terrestrial and semi-terrestrial invertebrates
Line 2: Aquatic Ecology and Biogeochemistry
Encompasses studies on organisms, populations, communities and biogeochemistry in freshwater and estuarine ecosystems. These studies aim to understand ecological patterns and its driving processes. This line includes research on natural history, population distribution patterns, structure, dynamics and functioning of natural communities; and the impacts of human interference in the processes responsible for biodiversity maintenance.
Associated research projects
• Environmental contamination and degradation
• Ecology of populations and communities in temporary aquatic environments
• Ecology and conservation of freshwater and estuaries
• Natural history of vertebrates from aquatic and semi-terrestrial environments
Line 3: Conservation and Management of Natural Resources
It involves the application of ecological concepts in the study of the interactions between biotic and abiotic resources (soil-water-plant-microorganisms) in the management of natural and human-modified ecosystems. The main research objective is the conservation of natural resources (biodiversity, soil and water) in the Brazilian semi-arid domain.
Associated research projects
• Conservation of natural resources and climate change
• Pedogenesis and conservation of biodiversity in agroecosystems
• Soil and water quality in the Brazilian semi-arid domain