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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais

Área do conteúdo

Request for Financial Aid/Travel Tickets/Hotel Bookings (PROAP/CAPES)

Financial Aid

  1. Request: Financial Aid for Students
  2. Request: Financial Aid for Professors (Scholars)
  3. Request: Financial Aid for PNPD Researchers

Schedule Chart for Student-related activities – PNPD

Schedule Chart for Professor-related activities

PS: Financial aid requests must be submitted at least 20 (twenty) days before the start date of the trip.

Accountability reports: Must be presented within 05 (five) days after the return from the activity/event.

Accountability Reporting Form – Students/PNPD

Accountability Reporting Form – Professors (Scholars)

Requests for Hotel Booking/Travel Ticket Aids (UFC/External Scholars)


Accountability Reporting Form – PCPD

PS: Hotel and Travel-related bookings must be made at ordered 20 (twenty) days before the start date of the trip. If the request includes the purchase of airline tickets, it must be made at least 30 (thirty) days before the start date of the trip.

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